The Christian life isn't simply about the destination; it's all about the next step.
Consider what your next step with or for Jesus is and then take it!  We're here to help you.

I'm ready to follow Jesus.

Jesus calls us to follow Him.  Each one of us must answer the question for ourselves. . .  "Who is Jesus?"  We take our first steps with Him into a new and brilliant life.  To believe and repent is to be made new.  If you're ready to take this step or have more questions, reach out to us today!

I'm ready to be baptized.

Once we follow Jesus, He calls us to be baptized.  This is a beautiful testimony to others that we have died to ourselves and been raised to new life in Him.  Baptism at Northside is always such a huge highlight and celebration.  If you're ready to take this step or have more questions, let us know.

I'm ready to join Northside.

Church membership is important to us.  There are many reasons for that, but a huge one is that we are a congregational church.  That means that we aren't ruled over by any one or any group.  Our Church together thinks through, prays about and decides on everything we do together.  Everyone has a voice and every voice matters.

I'm ready to serve.

We are all called to serve.  It is at the heart of our faith.  If you're ready to jump into ministry and mission as your next step, we're so excited for you and  we're ready to help.

I'm ready to reach out.

The natural progression of discipleship is that we follow Jesus, we grow in Jesus and then we go for Jesus.  If you're ready to talk more about how to get involved in Evangelism and Mission, please let us know.

I'd like to speak with the Pastor.

There are countless reasons that life can get us down or leave us confused and feeling lost.  If you just need to talk to someone and don't know  where to start or where else to turn, our pastor would love to sit down with you and help.

We're excited for your next steps!