Our children are as important to us as anything here at Northside. We have a wonderful group of kids and a wonderful team of people who are passionate about caring for them and pointing them to Jesus. In addition to our normal Sundays and Wednesdays, we have numerous kid's events during the year and we go all out for Vacation Bible School in the summer. We'd love to help your kids follow Jesus.

Sunday Morning Grow Groups
9:00 - 10:00
Virtually every Sunday morning we have Grow Groups. It is a great time in which we can learn more about Jesus through the Bible as we seek to follow Him more closely. All ages are divided so that each, from the youngest to the oldest, can learn on their level.
Children's Church
10:30 - 11:30
Although all ages are welcome in the worship service, we do understand that the younger kids benefit from teaching at their level. Currently, children through second grade have Children's Church during the main worship service.
6:30 - 8pm
KidzLife nights are full of fun Bible- centered lessons, worship, crafts, games, and snacks. We believe that when kids know who God really is, they will trust His heart and follow His plan. Our KidzLife ministry is open to all children in our community. KidzLife is held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. September through May. (During the summer months of June, July, and August, we encourage families to get plugged into Grow Groups together).
Our KIDZLIFE is for all kids, nursery through 6th grade.

Vacation Bible School
VBS every summer is huge for us! We aim to have an awesome experience to offer for the kids of our communities and their families! If you live close, you won't want your kids to miss this great free week of Music, Crafts, Games and Bible Study!
A note to parents
Your children's safety is of utmost importance to us. We aim to have fun and disciple the kids, but we also make sure that they are as safe as can be. We have those who are trained in First aid and CPR that are always close. We background check all volunteers in Kid's Ministry and we have a security team that is always serving on Wednesdays and Sundays.