Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
There is little that can change a life more than international missions. Both for those who volunteer to go and those overseas who might hear the Gospel for the first time, it can be an entirely life-changing thing. At Northside, we have a deep desire to provide people with opportunities to experience the mission that Jesus has called us to.

In 2024 we are beginning a partnership with missionaries in Panama. We will be traveling there every year to help our friends to help bring the Good News. Panama City is a vibrant metropolis and a thriving melting pot, but out further from the city the beautiful indigenous people are in need of hearing the Gospel. If you are interested in joining us or supporting this effort, connect with us below.

Mongolia is a rugged country and the Mongolian people are beautiful, strong and resilient. You have to be when your capital city is the coldest on the planet! Many of the Mongolians live nomadic lifestyles and are virtually cut off from the rest of the world. How important that it is that we get the Gospel of Jesus to them! If you have any interest in joining in our efforts in Mongolia, we'd love to hear from you. This is not a trip for the faint of heart, but if you go, we guarantee you will never be the same.

Every year a team from Northside visits Romania for 2 weeks. The purpose of these trips is to assist local churches with church planting and to assist at a Baptist seminary in Bucharest. If you're interested in going or in supporting in some way, please reach out below.
Operation Mobilization
OM is a missions organization whose aim is seeing vibrant communities of Jesus Followers connect with the least reached people across the globe. We are blessed to be in partnership with them!

International Mission Board
A large portion of our mission giving goes to the International Mission Board. Together, with thousands of other churches, we support over 3,500 full time missionaries in all areas of the world.

Kids Around the World
Kid's Around the World is a wonderful organization. Their mission is: Sharing God’s transforming hope with kids and their communities through food, play and story. As regularly as we can, we host meal packing events that help to feed thousands of families who are in desperate need overseas.

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child has been special to us for a long time. Each year, we prepare boxes to be sent across the globe to children during Christmas time. We include gifts, Bibles and all kinds of other goodies to make the season special for them!