Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
There are no two ways about it. We've been called to join in God's redemptive work in our world. We've been invited into the task of proclaiming, preserving and displaying through Gospel in our lives. Though we love going far, it all starts much closer than that. As a church, it is our goal to equip the saints for the work of ministry and to provide as many opportunities as possible for our members to get plugged into this amazing mission as close to home as possible!

ESL Classes
One of the biggest needs in our community that we have found is a desire and need for our community members to learn English. Every Friday our team and a bunch of wonderful community members meet in our building to learn and practice English. If you are interested in joining the class as a student or a helper, please reach out to us via the button below.
Springfield Soup Kitchen
Twice a month we have the honor of serving our community members at the Springfield Soup Kitchen. A wonderful ministry serving wonderful people. If you'd be interested in helping to serve alongside us, please let us know and we will reserve a spot for you!
Jail Ministry
Several in our church serve weekly in a local jail. Their focus is on evangelism and Bible study. If this is something that resonates with you and you'd be interested in getting involved, please reach out through the tab below!
The Pregnancy Resource Clinic
The Clark County Pregnancy Resource Clinic provides resourcing and care for new and expectant mothers in our community. We have church members on staff there, but we also have volunteers who help to mentor young men and women who are in this season of life and need a listening ear. Additionally, we collect many things throughout the year for the Pregnancy Resource Clinic and have supported them financially.
Through church planting, church revitalization and disaster relief, the North American Mission board aims to partner with local churches to reach the people of North America. We are blessed to be able to give a portion of all of our offerings to their work.

Classical Conversations
Classical Conversations is a Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents. They do this through a Christ-centered and family-friendly approach to homeschooling that makes everything biblical and hospitable, focused on three simple key areas: Classical, Christian and Community.
This group meets in our building every week during the school year for classes. We would be happy to connect you if you have any questions or interest in learning more about them.
This group meets in our building every week during the school year for classes. We would be happy to connect you if you have any questions or interest in learning more about them.

Greater Dayton Association of Baptists
We partner together with around 100 local churches to multiply our mission and its effectiveness throughout the greater Dayton area. Further information about the G.D.A.B. can be found below.